Strengthening protection systems of the Maya Golden Landscape’s protected areas through strategic interventions and increased community support.
The purpose of the project is for improved management of protected areas within the Maya Golden Landscape to support biodiversity, ecosystems and services while fostering sustainable resource use.

For the last 25 years, Ya’axché has been actively involved in Protected Areas Management (PAM) and has grown to become one of the leading organizations in Belize promoting sustainable livelihoods, as well as conservation of natural resources. According to Ya’axché’s State of the Protected Areas Report (2022), The Bladen Nature Reserve (BNR) remains the most stable protected area with most of its forest cover intact and its biodiversity in good condition. The Golden Stream Corridor Preserve (GSCP) also remains stable with some concern over activities related to unauthorized extraction. The majority of its land area is currently forested, and its biodiversity is in good condition. The Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve (MMNFR) is the most unstable protected area of the three. Most infractions and activities affecting condition are concentrated in a small portion of the reserve which warrants moderate concern due to the deteriorating conditions. However, it still retains most of its land area under forest cover despite these concerns. Notwithstanding the stable conditions of the natural values of the protected areas, threats such as encroachment, transboundary incursions, illegal logging, illegal hunting, and clearance for agricultural expansion persist in the protected areas.

Through a Small Technical Grant (STG), The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) is supporting Ya’axché’s valuable work within our managed and co-managed protected areas. This grant is supporting the opening and maintenance of boundary lines ensuring clear signage is in place and establishing ranger presence where it is most needed. Ya’axché’s ranger team will engage in meaningful dialogue with the Belize Defense Force (BDF) and establish an agreement for increased collaboration and support particularly in addressing transboundary incursions into the Bladen Nature Reserve. With the support of the Belize Defense Force the team will continue building its capacity in various topics including but not limited to intelligence gathering, conservation technology tools such as drones and importantly green laws that govern the management of protected areas. To complement in situ activities for the protected areas, an awareness and education campaign will be launched as an avenue to increase awareness of the importance of these protected areas, ecosystem services, rules and regulations and access to protected areas. After all the key to successful protected areas management is to work with the people who benefit from the resources under protection.


The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) programme aims to improve the long-term conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, in protected areas and surrounding communities. It is an initiative of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States financed by the European Union’s 11th European Development Fund (EDF), jointly implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). Building on the first five years of activities financed by the 10th EDF (2012-2017), BIOPAMA’s second phase provides tools for data and information management, services for improving the knowledge and capacity for protected area planning and decision making, and funding opportunities for specific site-based actions.

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