Developing an effective compliance management program goes beyond enforcement and addresses the root causes of unlawful behavior. This approach considers current levels of user knowledge of laws, strategic planning, capacity building, international cooperation, and the use of technology.


Ya’axché has been working with buffer communities in southern Belize for over 24 years. Our protected areas management program was established under a strategic approach. This approach ensures community outreach and education, capacity building, use of new technology such as SMART, drones, GIS, and fosters partnership with national and international compliance managers.


Ya’axché recognized the need to share results of progress towards our goals. Our key stakeholders are the buffer communities, compliance management partners and government, and we are committed to feeding back both our successes and lessons learned. Key to this is the use of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) tool and Geographic Information System (GIS) to produce clear and accurate reports.

Within our three protected areas in the MGL we collect data on compliance in an effort to ensure better forest management and maintenance of vital ecosystem services. Such data gathered directly benefits the management of the Bladen Nature ReserveMaya Mountain North Forest Reserve and the legally recognized private protected area, Golden Stream Corridor Preserve. These efforts done by Ya’axché are echoed throughout Belize.